QHSE Policy

QHSE Policy

Namma Cargo Services Co. Ltd. is committed to continual improvement of its Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety Management System (QHSE). Namma is fully committed to undertake its business in such a way as to minimise the risks related to QHSE disciplines.

This policy shall be periodically reviewed to ensure on-going suitability. The commitments listed are in addition to our basic obligations, as well as applicable laws and regulations where we operate.

  • Namma take Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety principles into account in all business decisions and operations and apply the highest ethical standards.
  • Namma constantly train & motivate its personnel to behave in a responsible manner in order to live up to promises, deliver on time and to avoid risks to Health, Safety and Environment.
  • Namma stimulate continual improvement in all operations in a businesslike way, by defining and measuring, constantly reviewing and upgrading processes in all Quality, Environment, Health and Safety areas to enhance performance.
  • Namma is committed to fulfil its compliance obligations related to Quality, Environment and Health Safety disciplines, locally and internationally.
  • Namma is committed to take appropriate measures for the protection of the environment, including prevention of pollution and other specific issues which are directly or indirectly associated with the Namma.
  • Namma is fully committed to undertake its business in such a way as to minimize the risk of injury and ill health of employees, or damage to property.
  • Namma communicate openly and honestly and cooperate with all internal as well as external stakeholders. Namma setup quality standards to all subcontractors and suppliers, and regularly monitor and assess compliance.

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